Thursday, 11 September 2008

Did you achieve your intentions?

6.4 To evaluate how successfully you achieved your intentions 

Whilst your own thoughts about what you have achieved are important (so 

long as you are genuinely self-critical) what is far more important in the 

commercial world of the media is what other people think of your work. 

You must learn how to do this. 

You will need to get responses to your work from a variety of sources. 

Possible sources are:  

your teachers 

your client (if you had one) 

your class-mates 

audience responses (obtained though focus groups, questionnaires, 

one-to-one interviews, etc).  

Having gathered these responses you must assess them as honestly and as 

objectively as possible. 

You need to consider such matters as: 

the suitability of your product for its intended audience 

its technical quality 

its aesthetic quality — that is, whether it looks or sounds good. 

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